Check out Mixalh Robert Narcisse’s Art Show and Sale at the Miyazaki House. Mixalh is an Indigenous artist from St’at’imc, Seewepeme, Syilx, and Nlaka’pamus. He incorporates traditional knowledge and pictographs into his artwork. He mainly paints with acrylic on canvas and favors bold colours.
Overcoming obstacles and disabilities has been part of his journey. A significant challenge he was faced with was the onset of severe multiple sclerosis which temporarily paralyzed him on one side of his body. This resulted in the need for rehabilitation including learning how to walk again.

Mixalh is also a traditional bear dancer, drummer, and singer. He relies on the knowledge from a range of traditional songs. As a single father, he focuses his efforts on raising his son in a traditional way, while focusing on breaking cycles of intergenerational trauma.

Mixalh Robert Narcisse’s Art Show and Sale is open daily from July 1st to 12th, 2022, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Miyazaki House. Prices range from $6.60 for his cards and $165.00 to $990.00 for his paintings. If you’re lucky you’ll be able to meet Mixalh in person because he stops by most days.